A Beginner's Guide To Starting A Book Collection

Religion & Spirituality Blog

Book collecting is the practice of collecting old books for the purpose of preservation. It's a quiet hobby for a person who has time, loves research and books, and has room in his or her house.  Collect Around a Theme Before you can start an effective collection, first you should narrow your focus to a specific genre and type of books. The more specific, the better. For example, the theme "

12 August 2015

Getting Started With A Yoga Routine

Religion & Spirituality Blog

If you are interested in a great way to incorporate stretching and relaxation into your daily activities, you may have thought about trying yoga. Beginning a yoga routine on your own is not that difficult to do if you have a little knowledge of the moves you need to do and a quiet place to do them without distraction. Here are some tips to use when starting your own yoga routine. Create A Comfortable Area

18 June 2015

Choosing The Perfect Bible Study May Be Easier Than You Think

Religion & Spirituality Blog

Giving your life to Christ is a decision that is not always easy. Temptations are everywhere and being able to keep your navigational beacon set on your creator can be difficult at times. In order to grow in your faith and keep your compass set in the right direction, consider doing a bible study. Bible studies can be a great way to learn more about the bible, about God, and about His calling for your life.

9 March 2015

Tips On Having A Green Funeral


If your loved one that passed away was concerned about the environment and lived a green life, you can also make their funeral green. There are different ways you can do this, such as using a green casket, tell your family members and friends to not send flowers, and having a direct burial. Direct Burial If you choose to use direct burial, the funeral company will not use any chemicals on the body, such as embalming fluid.

27 January 2015